Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tech Post/Travel Blog

I made a travel blog with Canva. I love how many options are given and I can't wait to play with it more!

Traveling is a passion of mine and I look forward to meeting new people and seeing new places!
It is my hopes to live in France, and while I'm there, lots of travel will fill my open weekends. I've been planning already and this is only a small portion of where I've been and where I hope to go. Hope you enjoy!!  🌎🌏🌍

Travel Canva!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tech Post!

  1. Consider the terms in the Wordle below and these questions:   How do you live your tech life–personally? academically?  How does that compare to your students or your former teachers?  My tech life mostly consist of cell phone use and basic computer use. I can get by with most other technology, I learn quickly, and I love learning new technology. It is always interesting and I love seeing the new and coming options. The think is, I haven’t really had time to truly learn more. Therefore, my academic and personal tech use, is pretty much the same thing. I use a Promethean Board in my internship, (one that my super visor does not,) but other than that, unfortunately, I don’t extensively dive into technology as much as I probably should. My K-12 education didn’t really have a ton of technology. We had those little jeopardy game via a game console and that’s about it. Looking at that list below makes me think I have a lot to learn, (and I’m more than excited to do so!) but truly, I only recognize like 3 that are in that list.

2. Tech Tools to Enhance Student Learning:   Follow the links below and some of the tools that I have used with my students- just a small sample. Think about how you might use each one to reach out to students, parents, or the community.  Choose one and write about it.
I really liked EdPuzzle. Again, It was one I hadn’t seen before, but the way you can track students along the way is really cool. I thought about how I could use it in the classroom with videos I want them to watch as content for class. But since I could track to see who watched it, I could assign it to be watched as homework and truly know if the student did. And since you can add questions or focus ideas along the way, it is really a good way to get them prepared for class.
I’ve also been introduced to padlet this semester and think it’s an awesome way to get students involved like idea board.
And lastly, I loved the idea of screen casting. Using it as a model essay tool was a great idea, but I also thought about using it as a model for actually using technology.
Students and parents sometimes struggle with technology and this would be a great way to provide a tutorial on whatever is needed.
3. Authentic Tasks for Students:  Here are a list of a few tools that you can use with students to write virtually.  Why is this important?  What are the benefits? The risks?  Write about your favorite discoveries. 
Writing virtually allows students to combine their love for technology with writing. If they can use their laptop or their cell phone to write, I can assume that they will be much more inclined to do it compared to constantly writing by hand. Also, Writing virtually means students aren’t losing their papers or notebooks, (“It’s all in the cloud”)! As far as the resources listed goes, there are so so many. Goodness! I was a little overwhelmed! To be fair, I have seen more of these and it made me feel a little bit better. But all of the ones where students are creating something, whether it me visual, audio, or actually just writing, they were a new way for students to show comprehension and I love that idea. All students learn differently and can show that learning differently also. I really like the WORDLE idea, it reminds me of brainstorming. And I like the one that allows students to make their work look like a newspaper. The kids like seeing their work published or up on a wall and these ideas are a great way to make that a reality.
4. What Lies Ahead?  Check out what is going on in the teacher-tech world.  Review Jane Hart’s Top 200 Tool’s for Learning and see what teachers are using around the world.  I like to click on the tool’s that are “new” to the list.  What you notice about the tools that educators are using around the world. 
I found it interesting that Youtube was listed as the first took for learning because I’ve seen it “banned” in many schools. In fact, 1-25 on the list are all ones that I recognize, (which says something), but a lot of them are either social media or a virtual way to collaborate. This is awesome because not only can kids n one class collaborate but they can collaborate with other classes around the world too!
5. The Thinking Matters aka Choose Your Tools Wisely:  Review this digital tool version of Bloom’s Taxonomy below.  Based on what you have done today and what you understand about Bloom’s Taxonomy, explain what teachers need to consider as they integrate technology?

Obviously the digital version shows how accessible the resources are for each section of the hierarchy. Students learn in different ways and with some many options for ways to learn. Some could prefer traditional ways so with so many options we must be sure to not overload our students with tech. advancements but we should definitely give them an option.

6.  Based on your exploration, what do you want to try next? I only try to get good at one tool at a time. Currently I have been working on HaikuDeck and my next is FlipGrid.
I’ve played kahoots before but I’m planning on making one for class and I really look forward to mastering it. Also, I have really seen benefits to using GoogleClassroom in my internship but have no clue of how to do it. So I’d like to learn more from my internship teacher about it.